So, today is my actual birthday.
And all I want for my birthday is world peace, affordable healthcare for everyone
and mandatory lie detector tests for all politicians. Too much?

I love people. And I love lists. And I love the idea of inspiration. And I was thinking, always dangerous, what would a list look like of people who have inspired and altered and helped to shape your life? And what if you could think of one for every year of your age, not having to conjure them up out of thin air, reaching and stretching for a natural inclusion, but having them logically appear as they float into your brain? And if you were, let’s say, turning 71, would you naturally be able to arrive at 71 names, not related to the actual years, but 71 in total, spanning time? And if that were the case, how fortunate would you be?
Lovers and flirtations, Idols and inspirations, playmates and troublemakers, children of choice – the ones who caused you to stop and think twice; stop and think, ”Maybe...”; stop and think,”Yes.”
I laid my head down, closed my eyes, cleared my brain and they started to appear, one by one, taking their places on the horizon of my memory. Some were long gone, some I’d spoken to just this past week but all of them have dropped in from time to time or whispered in my ear or guided my thoughts or protected my heart over the course of a very varied existence. I love them all for that...and apparently they love me back.
I smiled, my heart smiled, my soul smiled and I said thank you to each and every one. Because I wouldn’t be who I am without them.
“I am part of all that I have met.”
- Alfred Lord Tennyson
Happy 71st!!!
Well said Bill, continue enjoying every day ! With all the thoughts, like empty plastic bags blowing around these days; it is a pleasure to read thoughts from a thoughtful person. Solid design.
Long may you bring light to this world.
Warren Spindler