I wrote a blog about happiness the other day,
but now, after these last two weeks, the timing seemed very wrong.
At least for many of the people I know.

Some others would disagree, I’m sure, but I don’t know them, or if I do, we’re all showing remarkable restraint by talking about the weather or the flowers or anything accessibly surface to fill a few minutes, now and then.
And they’re the ones I’m most concerned about. Unless, of course, they’re financially in very good shape, in which case the price of eggs is irrelevant, and the immigrant situation is also irrelevant because you can always figure out a way to get “good help” if you really need it. But the others who believed what they were promised, about better, cheaper, brighter, whiter and are only now realizing that they were just words – catchy words; quotable, soundbite words – and they meant nothing. Absolutely nothing – I’m worried about them. Because their lives are about to get more expensive and there’s no photo op at the end of that check-out counter, with a spineless congressperson who once feared for their life in the Capitol building on that fateful January day, but now bows and scrapes to the same person who championed that freakshow and celebrated with a Big Gulp and Supersize fries.
“You’re on your own. Sorry, not sorry,” says pResident Musk.
So, this is where we are now. And if you’re not angry or concerned or frustrated or screaming inside, what the actual f**k have you been reading and choosing to believe? If you’re a woman, you’ve been marginalized; if you’re an ethnic minority, you’ve been demonized; if you’re a sexual or gender based minority, you’re being erased. It’s as simple as that. And I hope everyone will stand up for and with their loved ones and not just stand on the sidewalks and say, “Thank god it wasn’t me they were talking about. At least I made the cut.”
For now.
“I don’t care what anyone says about Adolf, he was a wonderful fourth at bridge.”
- a socially elevated and morally detached Palm Beach doyenne from the past
WTAF is right! Is this really the America we grew up in?